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In-Store Winemaking Cost: Breakdown of Budgets for Wine Making In Store

In-Store Winemaking Cost: Breakdown of Budgets for Wine Making In Store The Best thing about wine making in store with Wine Sense in Winnipeg and Brandon is that you can save 50% and more on great wine compared to the liquor store! Everyone knows that wine is expensive in Canada and the price goes up […]

Best Varieties to Order for In Store Wine Making

One of the most exciting things about the world of wine is the endless variety of styles to chose from. Whether it classics varietals like Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay or tradition blends like Cabernet/Merlot and Traminer Riesling to exciting new proprietory blends- the choice is endless and can be intimidating. In Store Wine Making with […]

10 Most Important Things to Know About Wine Making In Store

Also known as on-site winemaking, on-premise winemaking, U-Vint, U-Brew or In Store Winemaking, wine making in store is a more and more popular way for wine lovers to buy their wine. In Store Winemaking originated in the 1990’s in Ontario and British Columbia in Canada. It was an off-shoot of home winemaking when some intrepid […]