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Temporarily Out of Stock Beer and Cider

Statement about the notion of temporarily out of stock wines to disambiguate it from sold out. It can be confusing.

  • Ready Brew 909 Pale Ale
    Ready Brew Beers

    909 Pale Ale

    The Ready Brew 909 Pale Ale by the Paddock Wood Brewing Company is a unique, English-style IPA brewed with American hops. The same recipe as Paddock Wood's Commercial 606 Pale Ale. A rich blend of malt rolls through and supports a load of characterful American hops. Yeast included.

    • Alcohol 5.5%
    • Time to Ready 3-4 weeks
    • Yield ~48 x 473ml
    • Price $75.99
  • Craft Series Cider

    Apple Cider

    The taste of delicious orchard apples, light and crisp with a juicy apple bite.

    • Alcohol 5%
    • Time to Ready 3-4 weeks
    • Yield ~48 x 473ml
    • Price $54.99
  • Ready Brew Prairie Blonde
    Ready Brew Beers

    Carib Lager

    The Ready Brew Carib lager is a refreshing and crisp European pils that is perfect for the warm weather. Carib Lager won't mind if you stick a slice of lime in it on a hot day! Yeast included.

    • Alcohol 4.5%
    • Time to Ready 3-4 weeks
    • Yield ~48 x 473ml
    • Price $70.99
  • Ready Brew 909 Pale Ale
    Ready Brew Beers

    Honey Amber

    The Ready Brew Honey Amber is a delicious rich amber beer with smooth honey notes and a dry finish. The finish is dry and very easy to drink. Yeast included.

    • Alcohol 4.5%
    • Time to Ready 3-4 weeks
    • Yield ~48 x 473ml
    • Price $66.99
  • Ready Brew Prairie Blonde
    Ready Brew Beers

    Prairie Blonde

    Ready Brew Prairie Blonde is lighter malt and hops make this a refreshing American Light beer. It is featured in the Paddock Wood Brewing Co.'s commercial line-up. Yeast included.

    • Alcohol 4%
    • Time to Ready 3-4 weeks
    • Yield ~48 x 473ml
    • Price $59.99
  • Ready Brew Spitfire Pale Ale
    Ready Brew Beers

    Spitfire Pale Ale

    Ready Brew Spitfire Pale Ale is a traditional English Pale Ale. It finishes clean and crisp. Spitfire Pale Ale is a fantastic medium-bodied session beer and will please those looking for real unadulterated ale. Yeast included.

    • Alcohol 5.5%
    • Time to Ready 3-4 weeks
    • Yield ~48 x 473ml
    • Price $71.99