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We’re excited to make this wine for you. Our staff at your selected store will review the order, confirm stock, and contact you to setup a time for you to pitch your yeast. The only thing you need to do now is to checkout. Feel free to load up your order with more wine though. A lot of our customers like to order a few batches so that they can pitch their yeast all at once.

Winexpert Private Reserve Amarone
Winexpert Private Reserve

Amarone Style, Veneto, Italy

Winexpert Private Reserve Amarone is a full-bodied wine. It has a deep garnet colour and is richly dry. It has notes of plum, sour cherry, raspberry and vanilla. Age brings notes of anise, bitter chocolate, coffee, tobacco, leather and fig tones. Amarone has a long, lingering finish. WInexpert Private Reserve Amarone is fermented on crushed varietal grapes provides extra depth of flavour. A double dose of untoasted oak is used to balance the wine. This will tame the natural tannins with age. Labels included.
  • Price $179.99
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Winery Package
Winery Package


Our winemakers will make your wine for you—all you have to do is pitch the yeast to start it and come back and bottle when your wine is ready—using our Winery Grade Bottling Equipment. 30 premium corks (for long term storage) are included.
  • Price +$59.99
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