We selected the store Dakota (Winnipeg, MB) for you. Take a look at it's location and on-site services to make sure you're set.

How do you want to do this?

We have expert winemakers who can make your wine for you. All you have to do is pitch the yeast and come in to bottle it. Or, if you’d prefer to make it at home, you absolutely can! All of our wines are available in kit form too.

Your choices:

  • Wine Sense Dakota location
    Your Store

    Dakota (Winnipeg, MB)

    • Winery Available
  • Cabernet Merlot Estate California
    VineCo Estate Series

    Cabernet Merlot, California

    • Price $126.99

    Option 1: Made for you

    You have a few options when it comes to making wine in store.

    • Winery Package
      Winery Package

      Wedding Winery Package (Clear Bottles)

      (Limited Time Offer) Our winemakers will make your wine for you—all you have to do is pitch the yeast to start it and come back and bottle when your wine is ready—using our Winery Grade Bottling Equipment. 30 clear wine bottles and 30 premium corks are included as well as 30 custom wine labels and 30 shrink wraps. We have a variety of colours of shrink wraps to match your colour scheme! We'll make your custom labels for you at bottling time and can include your names and the date of your big day and any other text you might like!
      • Price +$109.99
    • Winery Package
      Winery Package

      Wedding Winery Package (Green Bottles)

      (Limited Time Offer) Our winemakers will make your wine for you—all you have to do is pitch the yeast to start it and come back and bottle when your wine is ready—using our Winery Grade Bottling Equipment. 30 green wine bottles and 30 premium corks are included as well as 30 custom wine labels and 30 shrink wraps. We have a variety of colours of shrink wraps to match your colour scheme! We'll make your custom labels for you at bottling time and can include your names and the date of your big day and any other text you might like!
      • Price +$109.99
    • Winery Package
      Winery Package


      Our winemakers will make your wine for you—all you have to do is pitch the yeast to start it and come back and bottle when your wine is ready—using our Winery Grade Bottling Equipment. 30 premium corks are included and 30 custom wine labels. We'll make your custom labels for you at bottling time!
      • Price +$64.99
    • Winery Package
      Winery Package


      Our winemakers will make your wine for you—all you have to do is pitch the yeast to start it and come back and "box" your wine when it is ready— using our Winery Grade Filling Equipment. 1 re-usable wine dispensing box, 6 4L wine bags and 1 custom wine label are included.
      • Price +$64.99
    • Winery Package
      Winery Package


      Our winemakers will make your wine for you—all you have to do is pitch the yeast to start it and come back and bottle when your wine is ready—using our Winery Grade Bottling Equipment. 30 premium corks (for long term storage) are included.
      • Price +$59.99
    • Winery Package
      Winery Package


      Our winemakers will make your wine for you—all you have to do is pitch the yeast to start it and come back and bottle when your wine is ready—using our Winery Grade Bottling Equipment. 30 standard corks are included.
      • Price +$57.99

    Option 2: Take home as a kit

    You have a few options when it comes to making wine in store.

    • Save Money on Wine with our Winemaking Starter Kit. Use our Winemaking Starter Kit to make our wine making kits! It's easy and fun!
      Starter Kit

      I need equipment

      • 32 litre Primary Fermenter with Lid
      • 23 litre PET Carboy
      • Hydrometer
      • Thermometer
      • Airlock and Stopper
      • Syphon
      • Spoon
      • Brush
      • Bottle Filler
      • Wine Thief
      • Syphon Clip
      • Cleaning/Sanitizing Agent
      • Information Sheets
      • $40 in coupons
      • Price +$109.99
    • Cabernet Merlot Estate California

      Just the wine kit

      Looks like you're all set. One wine kit coming up!