We selected the store Dakota (Winnipeg, MB) for you. Take a look at it's location and on-site services to make sure you're set.

In-Store Services and Facilities

What makes Wine Sense great is our people. We have amazing staff and our community of winemakers, brewers, and adult bevy appreciators is second to none. We’ve also got some pretty great equipment, in-store winemaking services, and top quality wines and beers that you’ve learned to expect.

Amazing Staff

We have been in business for more than 30 years and our staff have always been our strength. They know about the products we sell, they drink the products we sell and they love sharing that enthusiasm with our customers.

Services that make you smile!

At Wine Sense we’ve perfected on-site wine, beer, and cider making. Our winemakers working with our proprietory winery production app take care of the work for you in our in-store wineries. Out winery-grade bottling equipment makes bottling time a breeze for you!


Our staff are always there to help you pick a wine that you will enjoy- and our winemakers are great at making wine- it’s what they do and they do it well.


Craft beer has never been more affordable. Let our staff help you choose the right brew and our beermakers will brew it and carbonate it for you to can and enjoy!

The right tools for the job

We take pride in our in-store wineries- from our facilities to our equipment.

We have only winery grade tools to make your bottling appointment a pleasure- most customers are done bottling 30 bottles of wine in less than half an hour!

Bottle Washing

Our Automatic Bottle Washers clean and sanitize 30 wine bottles in about 7 minutes- it couldn’t be easier!

Bottle Filling Station

Bottling made easy! Our winery grade Automatic Bottle Fillers, Pneumatic Corkers and label and shrink wrap tools make bottling your wine as easy as possible.

Canning Station

Canning your own beer? Only the best for our customers! We’ll have your beer kegged, carbonated and ready for you to start filling with our brewery grade can-filler and can seamer! We even include labels for your beer!